Work has been slow all year, we have a wind farm starting in
Dekalb and Lee county. There happens to be a group that is trying to block this farm from happening. It is a sad day when groups that are trying stop forward motion of energy usage from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I think I would much rather see this outside than a Nuclear or oil/gas fired plant in my backyard. Unfortunately the people who want this stopped don't even have a turbine on there property, and some don't even live in the county they are just obstructionist. Maybe one day people will look beyond tomorrow toward the future of what will be when our children and there children are grown. What is the worse that could happen by switching to renewable energy? Whole new markets, jobs,
innovation, and possibly a cleaner environment all good for the future. Boldness is
necessary, too bad we are in a perpetual election cycle were corporation and their lobbyist control the government, not the people.
What is the old saying....
Lead, follow, or get out of the way!
We need to Lead or we will be moved out of the way.
That is my thought of the day.
Well I am off to write another letter to the Prez.
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