Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Bionicles are coming to do Battle!!

Look out!!! They are coming!!
The creation of an Evil Scientist (Ethan) is coming to take over the World!!
The things created after a hard day of gaming.
Ah, to be young again.....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The little Grappler

Ethan is improving with his wrestling abilities.
He did not win but the last match in my eyes was a success, he went right for the legs for the take down.
Ultimately he was pinned but the boy was a far better wrestler.  Ethan did his best and went for it, it was his best match so far.
He never gave up, I am very proud of him.
You did awesome buddy.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The little things......

About half way through winter, just a little reminder of the warm season.  It's the little things you need to look forward too that make life important.

This is good too.
We had fun that night.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You could say I was a little behind....

Since I last updated, time seems to slip away, four little kiddies and one big one, I guess it must.  All this snow in the picture is gone, a couple 50 degree days at the end of December and poof gone.  Well it is cold again with no snow.  2010 flew by, a trip over the summer Yellowstone, Badlands, Montana and back home.  The next thing I know the kids are back in school, then it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then here we are 2011!  
Now I understand when my Grandma said, "The older you get, the faster time seems to go."
Ah, the wisdom of age.
Next thing I know my babies will be having Babies of there own, heck Paige just got engaged.  I still remember her playing with her babies when she was a baby.
That's Dan.

We will see if I can continue this bLog.
I am gonna try.
Happy New Year to all!!
Let's hope we see some serious improvements over the last two years.