What is happening in WI is a shame.
Whether you belong to a union or not the workers need to stand up together. The rich have gamed the system to their favor and the workers of our country keep getting the short end of the stick. We bailed out the Bankers to prevent an economic colapse world wide. The Bankers in return gave themselves a Fat bonus' for the great job they did.
I guess that was part of their contract (Bankers Union? Hmm).
We the people pay for it and take it in the shorts!
We may as well fire all the legislators, heck they don't even right the laws they are handed them by corporate lobbyist to benefit there interest.
Corporate Union (US Chamber of Commerce)By for the largest Union, with the Largest PAC Fund.
Doctors Union (American Medical Association)
Union is a group with a common interest.
Wages in America for the middle class and lower class have been flat for decades while the rich have been getting richer by leaps and bounds.
This fight in WI will effect ALL workers.
The Unions built the middle class and if they die the middle class dies with it.
Ok everyone got back to the Oscars, or find out how what Charlie Sheen or Lindsey Lohan is doing.
The Republicans want low information voters and they are almost there, just mention God, Guns, and Gays and you got them.
Ooops, I almost forgot Abortion.
Fiscal responsibility does NOT mean taking a hatchet to the budget. We can whack everything to save money but that is neither smart nor responsible.
We need a REAL FDR!!!
Read the Abe Lincoln's statement it is particularly important for the time considering the economic crash.
Oh, by the way,
Abe jumped out of a second story window to deny a Quorum during a legislative session.
Politicians are bought and paid for by corporations who are now "people" with out the responsibility of any legal accountability for illegal activity. (BP oil spill, 11 deaths)
I bet if the corporate board was legally accountable they would pay attention to the goings on of the company.
We have seen this before and it does not bode well for the common people.
Sad days are a coming I fear.
That is my rant, but I don't feel better. :(