Since I last updated, time seems to slip away, four little kiddies and one big one, I guess it must. All this snow in the picture is gone, a couple 50 degree days at the end of December and poof gone. Well it is cold again with no snow. 2010 flew by, a trip over the summer Yellowstone, Badlands, Montana and back home. The next thing I know the kids are back in school, then it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then here we are 2011!
Now I understand when my Grandma said, "The older you get, the faster time seems to go."
Ah, the wisdom of age.
Next thing I know my babies will be having Babies of there own, heck Paige just got engaged. I still remember her playing with her babies when she was a baby.
That's Dan.
We will see if I can continue this bLog.
I am gonna try.
Happy New Year to all!!
Let's hope we see some serious improvements over the last two years.