Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011

Paul Krugman's Op-Ed
He is a Nobel Prize winning Economist after all.
I think I would take his word over the Political Hacks called Republican Congress and some Democrats.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Getting Bigger!
Keep it going!
I stand with the 99% ers! Our government is NOT working for the people it represents. I am one of the lucky ones, I have a good job.
The people have had enough, this is what they must do to be heard. It will get bigger and louder before it is over. We have seen this in history before, I hope it stays peaceful but history says it won't.
Is the American Dream lost?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Obsessed?? Maybe a little.
This a Gateway computer a acquired Dual core 1.73GHz 2G ram I have installed linux Mint on this machine as well, but I think I will partition the Hard drive with openSUSE 11.4. I do still have the Dell Latitude d505 now with Zorin 4 instead of Mint. For me right now the easy of setting up everything I need for my use an Ubuntu version works. The wireless on the Dell has been giving me some fits. I had it working with Mint then I reinstalled it and could get it working again. Strange, but it works with Zorin. The kids use it to watch movies, play games on the internet, and I think I will be setting it up for there mp3 players.
I need to read and learn some more about Linux. Maybe get a book on Linux and take some courses at the local community college.
If I could figure out how to use my Ipod Touch with the Linux machines, I think I would be able to become windows free. I will be trying to learn how to use Wine, I am a really big podcast listener.
Paula, thinks I am crazy! I have 3 Windows Desktops (1 is a HTPC, we have no Cable TV), 1 Apple, and 4 Laptops. Oh and a work computer.
I think I may have a problem, maybe a little one, but I am having fun learning Linux.
Just wait until I start a Home Network.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Linux Mint, I think I have been converted.
Well, I have been using Linux for a couple weeks now. I have to say, I have fixed my Sister in-laws computer. I re-installed the OS which was Vista and it took nearly 3 hours with all the updating and and restarts but it was done and running. I don't see myself doing that for my self anytime soon. Linux has evolved to the point I see no reason to stay with windows or move to Apple($$$).
I spent some time running various live versions of Linux on my Dell Latitude D505,
Mint 10
Ubuntu 10.10
I have settled on Mint for now and 30 minutes later it was up and running absolutely no significant problems yet.
The only issue is when I watch streaming video over wifi the sound cuts out a bit. I think it may have to do with 512MB ram the Processor is a Centrino 1.4 GHz so that part should be fine.
I still use my desktop for my I-Pod Touch and the various pod cast I listen to but not much else.
I have updated this blog and the last update from the Linux system no problems.
My next project will be the Dell inspiron 1521 when I purchase a new Hard Drive it will be a full install of a Linux OS no Windows partition.
Maybe even the kids Desktop will be a Linux instead of the XP that is on it now.
I may try getting my wife to use Linux.
If I can make it seamless it should be easy.
Our local college offers 2 courses on Linux/Unix I think I may sign up this fall so I can truly break away, and maybe even contribute.
Mint 10
Ubuntu 10.10
I have settled on Mint for now and 30 minutes later it was up and running absolutely no significant problems yet.
The only issue is when I watch streaming video over wifi the sound cuts out a bit. I think it may have to do with 512MB ram the Processor is a Centrino 1.4 GHz so that part should be fine.
I still use my desktop for my I-Pod Touch and the various pod cast I listen to but not much else.
I have updated this blog and the last update from the Linux system no problems.
My next project will be the Dell inspiron 1521 when I purchase a new Hard Drive it will be a full install of a Linux OS no Windows partition.
Maybe even the kids Desktop will be a Linux instead of the XP that is on it now.
I may try getting my wife to use Linux.
If I can make it seamless it should be easy.
Our local college offers 2 courses on Linux/Unix I think I may sign up this fall so I can truly break away, and maybe even contribute.
The people are speaking and have been in Wisconsin. I have been up there 3 times since it started nearly three weeks ago. I have to say I am glad people are starting to realize what is at stake. Wisconsin is at the center of the destruction of workers rights. If you think it will stop with collective bargaining you would be way wrong. The Republican Party will not stop until we are begging for work. They willing to do what ever it takes as long as the rich and powerful are controlling it all. This could potentially turn back the clock to the late 19th century, Robber Barron age.
It was a pleasure to hear and see Michael Moore in person. The American worker is under attack, both Union and Non-Union. Whether you agree with unions or not the relationship in the workplace between them is there. Wages, weekends, 40 hour work weeks, overtime and Pensions are a result of what Unions have brought to the table. In our political system money IS a factor and the Republicans know that with out union support at that level the workers will lose their voice. The result will be no voice in the workplace.
Yes Unions can and have done things that are not acceptable behavior, but not at the level of Corporations. The ultimate goal of the Unions is for the worker to better their life.
When 400 individuals have more wealth in the United States than 50% (155 million) Americans, I would say that the table is skewed toward the few not the vast majority.
It is "We the People...."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
This is how my family and I spent our weekend, standing up for what is right!
What is happening in WI is a shame.
Whether you belong to a union or not the workers need to stand up together. The rich have gamed the system to their favor and the workers of our country keep getting the short end of the stick. We bailed out the Bankers to prevent an economic colapse world wide. The Bankers in return gave themselves a Fat bonus' for the great job they did.
I guess that was part of their contract (Bankers Union? Hmm).
We the people pay for it and take it in the shorts!
We may as well fire all the legislators, heck they don't even right the laws they are handed them by corporate lobbyist to benefit there interest.
Corporate Union (US Chamber of Commerce)By for the largest Union, with the Largest PAC Fund.
Doctors Union (American Medical Association)
Union is a group with a common interest.
Wages in America for the middle class and lower class have been flat for decades while the rich have been getting richer by leaps and bounds.
This fight in WI will effect ALL workers.
The Unions built the middle class and if they die the middle class dies with it.
Ok everyone got back to the Oscars, or find out how what Charlie Sheen or Lindsey Lohan is doing.
The Republicans want low information voters and they are almost there, just mention God, Guns, and Gays and you got them.
Ooops, I almost forgot Abortion.
Fiscal responsibility does NOT mean taking a hatchet to the budget. We can whack everything to save money but that is neither smart nor responsible.
We need a REAL FDR!!!
Read the Abe Lincoln's statement it is particularly important for the time considering the economic crash.
Oh, by the way,
Abe jumped out of a second story window to deny a Quorum during a legislative session.
Politicians are bought and paid for by corporations who are now "people" with out the responsibility of any legal accountability for illegal activity. (BP oil spill, 11 deaths)
I bet if the corporate board was legally accountable they would pay attention to the goings on of the company.
We have seen this before and it does not bode well for the common people.
Sad days are a coming I fear.
That is my rant, but I don't feel better. :(
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
14.3 inches of fresh the bitter cold -18 degrees for the morning
It was a great day for playing outside building forts in the gigantic drifts.
They will sleep EXCELLENT tonight!
They were out side nearly all day, with breaks for Hot Coco to warm them up, then back outside.
Thankfully my neighbor has a new snowblower and did my driveway.
Thanks Andy, your a back saver!!
Now lets brace for the -18 degrees actual temp, Brrrrrr!
Probably no school tomorrow.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Bionicles are coming to do Battle!!
Look out!!! They are coming!!
The creation of an Evil Scientist (Ethan) is coming to take over the World!!
The things created after a hard day of gaming.
Ah, to be young again.....
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The little Grappler
Ethan is improving with his wrestling abilities.
He did not win but the last match in my eyes was a success, he went right for the legs for the take down.
Ultimately he was pinned but the boy was a far better wrestler. Ethan did his best and went for it, it was his best match so far.
He never gave up, I am very proud of him.
You did awesome buddy.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The little things......
About half way through winter, just a little reminder of the warm season. It's the little things you need to look forward too that make life important.
This is good too.
We had fun that night.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
You could say I was a little behind....
Since I last updated, time seems to slip away, four little kiddies and one big one, I guess it must. All this snow in the picture is gone, a couple 50 degree days at the end of December and poof gone. Well it is cold again with no snow. 2010 flew by, a trip over the summer Yellowstone, Badlands, Montana and back home. The next thing I know the kids are back in school, then it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then here we are 2011!
Now I understand when my Grandma said, "The older you get, the faster time seems to go."
Ah, the wisdom of age.
Next thing I know my babies will be having Babies of there own, heck Paige just got engaged. I still remember her playing with her babies when she was a baby.
That's Dan.
We will see if I can continue this bLog.
I am gonna try.
Happy New Year to all!!
Let's hope we see some serious improvements over the last two years.
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